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P4PHotel members responded with these answers in recent polls on the P4PHotel Message Boards.
Manufacturer Poll:
Question: With recent aquisition of Ikon, was it a good or bad business deal for Ricoh.
77% Good Deal
23% Bad Deal
One of our highest Polls ever! 209 votes
Color CPP Poll:
Question: How low will color cost per page go?
.075 14%
.070 27%
.065 32%
.060 14%
.055 5%
.050 0%
.045 0%
.040 0%
.035 9%
Cost Per Page Poll:
Question: Monochrome Segment 2 Cost Per Page Poll 21-30ppm (what do you charge)
.019 and over 0%
.015 - .018 42%
.011 - .014 47%
.008 - .010 11%
.005 - .007 0%
under .005 0%
1 comment:
In Australia the average cost per page across the board, from the Manufacturer Directs on Full Color Multifunctionals is:-
0.01 Black Including Toner
0.10 Color Including Toner
However Sharp and Toshiba in particular wil go down to 0.008 on Black, and 0.08 on Colour.
Dealers have to try and match this, but in most cases are missing out, when competing against the directs.
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