
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

How to Fix Your Copier Sales Problems!

Dam, Jesse submitted an awesome blog for our readers, it's brings tears to my eyes and music to my ears to hear Jesse preaching to the choir!!!

Guest Post by Jesse Harwell - Why Copier Companies are Paying More Attention to Laser Printers.

Are you walking by business everyday because you aren't paying attention to the landscape you are in? This article is to help copier reps grow their business!

If you sell copiers for a living, the writing is on the wall. Copier prints are going down and laser printer average monthly volumes are going up. The average copier rep must take a course of action which will make their business more substantial and stable. If you are in this industry, you know what is being spoken of here. What are your options if you intend to stay in the business and want to eat something other than Top Ramen?

We can think of a few ways you can improve your business without killing yourself in terms of effort!

The first thing you must consider is smarter marketing. If are still walking door to door, that may be effective, but you better have some great shoes! We think it is smarter to utilize the internet and social media ALONG with your current strategy to get more qualified copier leads. We have some great methods we have used to generate more leads. Contact me if you are interested in learning more!

Adding more devices to existing contracts -- If you sold the copier, did you bother to get all of the printers under a maintenance contract too? If not, you left a bunch of money on the table, especially because of how expensive color prints can be!

Add a secondary product like Document Management or Data Backup. If you are simply trying to sell boxes, rather than services, you are going to lose a lot of deals!

Stay educated, read blogs like the one you are on often to understand what is happening in the business.
Become a Premier Member with P4P Hotel as you will learn about leads in your area you have never heard of before. If one of these leads every 40 years leads to a sale, you'll be breakeven, a no-brainer. E mail Art for more details

Start tracking what you already own with software like Print Audit (Tell them we sent you) so you can find opportunities which exist in the fleets of printers and copiers you already own.

Consider joining a high quality leads group. There are tons of bad ones out there, so be picky here.
Finding more business in this economy is much more about learning how to help people do more with less, not just bringing cookies and stopping by once a week. You will find as you look for ways to help your customer and to be more efficient with your own time, your sales may actually increase rather than decrease this year!

Guest author Jesse Harwell writes for multiple sites related to printers and copiers. Read more of his writing at Denver Copier or the Laser Printer Center . Image source FLICKR - Creative Commons License.

"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not one bit simpler." ...Albert Einstein

-=Good Selling=-

1 comment:

  1. thank you for the great advices
    i have been thinking what to do with our industry and i have found all the answer in you blog
