
Sunday, April 21, 2013

Print4Pay Hotel to Launch New Social Media Site for Imaging Professionals

June 1st is right around the corner. When the clock strikes Midnight on June 1st we'll be turning on a new web platform that will combine the end users forums, the secure forums, and the MFP solutions Blog. 

If you're a Print4Pay Hotel member you'll be grandfathered in to the new site, there is nothing you need to do.  The new site will be somewhat similar to facebook and linked in, where you can add your own picture, your own bio, add clips, add documents, download documents, add video and subscribe to threads and see what's trending in our industry.  We'll still have the forums, however in order to post or read a thread you'll need to be registered and as always I will maintain who gets approved and who does not. For those of you that had to bookmark four different sites, they will now all be combined into one site.

We've posted a link for the beta site on the Print4Pay Hotel forums, if you get the time check out the beta site and please email me if you have any suggestions. 

Moving to the new site will save me time, I'll only have to administer one site for updates and changes.  This will then allow me more time to develop new features, new utilities  and services that will provide outstanding value to our members. 

To date the Print4Pay Hotel has over 2,600 registered members from around the world. Our Print4Pay Hotel forums has over 50,000 threads related to the office equipment industry, and the Print4Pay Hotel generates more than 220,000 page views per month.

-=Good Selling=-

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