
Monday, February 4, 2013

MFP & MPS Sales Tips "Distance Yourself from The Pack"

Whew! I must say that the last fifteen years selling for a Ricoh Dealership has been interesting.

When I first started with my dealership back in 1998, Ricoh has just purchased Savin and Savin purchased Gestetner or something like that.

It was a heck of a lot easier to Copier and Managed Print Services in the past.

Now with some many providers for MFP and Managed Print Services there was a need to "Distance Myself from The Pack".

In essence there was a tremendous need to "Distance Myself from the Pack".

So, how do you make yourself different from the other MFP Copier Sales reps. Well, one of the first things I did was to give myself a NEW title. The title that I came up with was

Docusultant (“DOCUSULTANT" Doc.u.sult.ant noun [dókya_súltant]. Professional advisor specializing in document management distribution and strategy.). Now, I can't tell you how many times clients have commented on the title and then asked what is a Docusultant, along with statements like "Interesting, Unique, I never seen this before". In that first moment I created curiosity and distanced myself from the titles such as Sales Rep, Account Rep, Sales Manager, Account Rep, and all the countless titles that just tell the customer that you want to sell them something.

Something else that I keep with me at all times is a vertical market account list. I have eight or nine different vertical markets with my customers names and locations. At anytime during the meeting I can refer to other clients in the same industry that they may know. By referring to this list an asking them if they know any of these accounts establishes instant credibility that you've already placed successful equipment and solutions within their type of business. If you're not talking about this, again you're like everyone else and your prospect does not want "everyone" else. They want creative, resourceful and out of the box thinkers and solutions. What you bring to the table is refreshing, not like the other lame reps who has no desire, determination and dedication to the business. Setting yourself apart from the pack makes you unique, different, and special. Your propects will listen more intently when you speak.

The paragraph below was something I posted a few years ago, since then many sales people have asked me for this last piece of the puzzle.  I gave it to them, and all I asked for in return is that they become a member of the Print4Pay Hotel forums or better yet, become a Premium Member and hang onto my coat tails and other Print4Pay Hotel members for some awesome information.   Those that followed my lead have separated themselves from the pack. Below is what I posted.

"Just lately, I have added another resource to set myself apart from the others and I tell you, no one is doing this and this is the resource that puts you in the number one position of credibility and knowledge within the first 5 minutes after you walk in the door for your appointment. It will also help you garner new business and keep on top of all of your clients. If I posted it here, the secret would be out and I would lose my competitive edge in my market place".

If anyone is interested in this last resource send me and email, I will only release this to others outside of my area

-=Good Selling=-

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