
Monday, October 18, 2010

Possibly moving to Ricoh....

Possibly moving to Ricoh....was the title of a recent thread on the Print4Pay Hotel Forums. Click here to find our more about the forums.

A junior member of the P4P Hotel stated that he or she is currently in sales with a dealer that sells for "xyz" equipment and thinks the prospects of the dealer, even short term is not viable and she or he is considering a move to a Ricoh Dealer. So, the question was asked "Can any of you give me info on the advantages of Ricoh products vs XYZ products?

From here I'm just going to give a partial list of the threads for everyone:

Ricoh has tremendous market share

Top four and not in this order KonicaMinolta, Ricoh , Xerox and Canon
Ricoh puts much more into R & D for MFP's (from Jersey)

Ricoh product ranks at the top of the industry. That being said, selling today is about far more than the box. What other value can you bring to the table with a given vendor/dealer? How about ......
(from NE)

Unfortunately, I am already at a place that only sells "boxes". I don't know which companies in my area do those other services, of if the Ricoh.......... (from Montana)

I'm going to say something here from my experience of being a copier buyer BEFORE I started working in the copier industry. Yes, it's true, I was a client of the very dealership that I came to work for.

You're not going to like what I have to say because you're sales reps and you trained to think a certain way. Please, for once, listen with an open mind to someone with experience being on the other side of the proposal. Ponder it, don't spin it.

Most buyers don't care one bit what.......... (from WI)

Excellent post, makes me think twice about everything I do! Kudos (from Jersey)

best post in quite some time! I cannot agree anymore with what you said about the reason a customer will buy from you or not...... (from JAX)

Jack Daly said it best "People buy from people they like"

I know a local RBS where.......... (from CA)

One of our P4P members gave us six paragraphs on "What do buyers care about?", this member used to be a copier buyer before they went to work in the copier industry.  The post/thread is awesome and a good read for all of us who are in the field day in and day out. 

Take some time to sign up for the P4P Hotel forums, there's no cost, no hassle and communicate with your peers in a closed and secure forum.

-=Good Selling=-

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