
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

P4P Hotels Take on AIIM/On Demand for 2010

Well, I excited to say that there was a large crowd waiting to get on the show floor and when I left there was still alot of volume. More than I expected and much more than last year!

I overheard many vendors speak about the volume and the interest from buyers!

My first mission was to find paper, actually paper for my ComColor. I was in pursuit of a 15 oe 18# smooth paper that asborbed ink well and had a high opacity. Actually I thought I'd be coming home with sample paper paks to test the next. How the heck did I know that paper suppliers do not bring samples to hand out anymore!! arghhhhh, hopegully all of my samples will arrive in the few days or so!

If you haven't checked out paper suppliers lately, you really need to, there are some awesome stocks, weights, colors, waterproof, etc.... could help us sell an extra few units a year.

From there I was off to the ComColor booth to see if they had any papers that matched my critera, they did not and stated that they were looking for the same thing I was. I met the Manager of Field Marketing and spoke to some of the others there in reference to my thoughts for the ComColor and where I think it has the best chance of success.

They are looking for different channels to sell the ComColor like paper suppliers, graphic art suppliers and dealers that sell mailing equipment. I agree with the last one and disagree with the others. A statement was made that the old Riso's were sold to mainly churchs and they felt the existing line of RISO dealers did not have the knowledge nor the resources to move the ComColor's. I told them that if they want to move these boxes and or get them mainstream they need to lower the MSRP to the 25k - 30K range, they could do this if they changed the ink cartridge for the 3010 or the 3050 and charged more for the ink. Capturing 100 million pages per month and increasing the color ink cost by only one penny would result in an additional million dollars of revenue per month, thus far offsetting the reduction in price on the units.

With that off I went, I did see an old friend from NJ on the way over to my next stop!

From there I was on a picture taking mission and went to see the new KM 8000 color press. I was amazed at how small the print engine was!!!! With all of the accessories we're talking 20-30 feet in length! Like I said I was on a mission and then traveled to the Canon booth.

Canon as usually had a small army there!! The must have been 100 reps from Canon or more. They had a full layout of solutions for SMB's and had all of thier products there.

more to come.......

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