
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Print4Pay Hotel coins New Phrase for Office Equipment Industry "News Color"

Today was pretty eventful day on the road for me.

For those who follow me, you all know I'm really excited about the new ComColor products from Riso!

Earlier today I had an appointment at one of my print shop accounts, with me I brought a sample of a 32 page booklet that was given to me from a prospect for a ComColor device.

The reason I brought him the book was two fold, A) The prospect told me he needed to see samples print from the ComColor on the same type of paper that was used in the printed booklet. I'm no expert on paper and web press, thus my reasoning for getting my expert involved. B) I needed an education on different types of paper and how a web press works.

Here' what I found out today, the paper used for the booket was classified as 16lb offset (newspaper stock), my customer suggested that I find a 16lb offset opaque paper (he actually contacted his supplier and they provided me with sample sheets)  and that would help prevent bleed through (from using a thin sheet of stock) from the ink that is used from the ComColor.

For the last week or so, I had been looking for some type of term to define the type of color that the ComColor or any liquid ink based MFP reproduces.

Well...., from here on in I'm calling the type of color that's reproduced on the ComColor as NEWS COLOR! We've got laser color, we've use B2C Color and walla now we have NEWS COLOR.

What defines NEWS COLOR? I'm using "read today and gone tomorrow", the color that you'll see in USA Today or other newspapers, along with flyers and leaflets. NEWS COLOR can be used to represent the type of color that ink based MFP's can reproduce. News Color seems to be a perfect description and I'll be running with it. More to come on this!!!

-=Good Selling=-

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