
Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Selling Copiers "Dealing with the Holidays"

For one, I'm looking forward to have some extra days off over the long holiday week of Christmas and New Years. I'll be able to recharge some, but more importantly I'll be back at work for a few hours on Friday to set things in motion for the new year.

Sales is not a 9-5 job, sales is what you make of it. If you believe no one is going to buy or lease now, then no one will. Always being optomistic is and have the fortitude to never quit is a remarkable trait, and it is one that can be learned. You don't have to be born with it. A "wo is me" person can become a "why not me" person.

Well, here's a short check list that I use every holiday.

  • Clean up all of the odds and ends on my desk

  • Work on those quotes that take more time than others

  • Update my pipeline

  • Update my things to do list (everyone has to have one of these)

  • Enter data and follow up information to outlook

  • Research all leases coming to term in 6 - 12 months
I was speaking with my good friend (John A) in Ganiesville today, he also stated that it will be good to have a few days of down time. We then started to talk about pipelines and told him I had some concern since my pipeline isn't exactly where I want it to be. Too me, the pipeline I achieve for is having at least 50,000 of GP at 70% or greater, meaning that these accounts have a 70% chance or better of closing before the end of the month with someone. After we hung up, I stopped the car and made two more cold calls, one had just bought new equipment and the other had an old wide format (might be good).

Point is, in these tough economic times you need to have the pipeline overflowing with possible sales. If your company is not marketing for you (leads), then you need to get out there and generate your own. I'll be concentrating on the pipeline from now on.

-=Good Selling=-

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