
Sunday, November 6, 2011

Selling Copiers & MFP's "I'm Thinking this is Not for Me" Ask Art

We (Print4Pay Hotel Members) try to help whenever we can.  Ours is not an easy business and we can all agree to that.  Since the Digital revolution of copiers, the new Digital systems offer companies endless opportunities to enhance work flow, reduce paper, scan 2 ERP systems and much more. But, I wanted to get to the the matter in hand.  Yesterday this thread was posted on the Print4Pay Hotel forums.

I've been selling MFP's for 9 months. I've only gotten a commission once. I'm starting to get discouraged. Questioning if this is the right industry for me. Can't see me supporting my family on base alone. I guess I'm looking for encouragement, words of wisdom etc.

One P4P'er (thats our short name for members) posted this today:

Quit selling MFP's and start selling solutions.
"You can get anything you want in life if you just help enough other people get what they want."
Zig Ziglar

I'm going to post this later on the forums for the P4P'er.  But I figure I'll add something here for all.

I learned at a young age that if you work hard, you can get what ever you want.  So you need to define what is working hard?  Here's a few of my points for working hard:

1. I work more than 60 hours every week, even some weekends.
2. Out work everyone around you, make it a game if you can.  It's hard to succeed in sales if you only work 40 hours or less every week.
3. Just because everyone else in the office is slacking off, does not mean you have to join the gang.

Dedicate the right time for the right work! 

What I mean is that there are prime time hours for prospecting.  Those hours are what you make of them.  When I'm in the office early, I'll get some of my follow up calls done early between 8-9am.  I know the prospect may not be in at that hour however I'll make the call, and leave the message.  From 9-12pm, I'm calling for DM's and going through my database (this is key, you've got to have a good data base with contact information) and scheduling appointments.  I'll take and extended break for lunch and back to the phones for 1-4pm.  After 4PM, I'll work on emails, and get out information that was requested or I think is needed.  Now, after hours have been the key for me to research, read or learn more about the products and services that I sell.  Just this weekend I read about 50 pages of a new sales book. 

If you don't want to work extra hours, well find yourself a 9-5 job with 9-5 pay.  The old owner of the company I worked for had this great saying "the harder you work, the luckier you get".  Well to a point this is true, and it should be the "the harder you prospect, the more sales you'll land".  Prospecting is the only way to increase opportunities and have more chances to swing the bat.

If you're doing all of this already, then you have to have the mindset that "each new day brings you...", well you don't what each day will bring, but if you're doing all the "right" things then the odds will be in your favor to close more sales.

I only know the person who emailed me as a member of the P4P Hotel, I have no idea of the work ethic, nor the territory, nor the atmosphere of where they work.  I've been pretty fortunate over the years, I'm not the smartest sales person out there, but I've been fortunate because I've always had the desire, dedication and determination to  be the best.

My only hope is that this blog can help you find the desire to stay in the business and maybe you picked up a few items that may help.  Good Luck, I'm rooting for you.

-=Good Selling=-

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