
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

800 Ways to Save & Serve :7 Well-Dressed Tips on a Rationed Wardrobe"

The information below was derived from a pamphlet that I found while cleaning out the attic.  The pamphlet was printed in 1941 and was titled "800 Ways to Save and Serve", which was designed to help Americans with the World War II effort.

More care, less tear.....more mending. less spending

For Durability's Sake

Conserve materials. By with the fore thought and put off the need for replacement. These shopping secrets will help you get the most out of your purchases:

1. The best flannels, cheviots, jerseys and tweeds are those which are closely woven. Looser weaves are likely to get baggy.

2. To judge the quality of woolen material (in case you have that opportunity), squeeze it in your hand. It should feel smooth, rubbery, springy, when you open your hand. If it has a rough feeling, the grade is inferior.

3. Suits made of worsted will hold their shape better and wear longer than those of wool.

4. Fabrics with light colored dots or figures often wear out quickly because the dots have been bleached.

5. Think twice before selecting a dress or a skirt made on the bias. Remember, such clothes are more difficult and costly to alter and make over.

6. Buy dresses on which the material has been cut the long way. Crosswise cutting betrays skimping. In the long run, the most economical dress to buy is one in which is made up of pieces cut with the grain of the material. If they are cut against the grain, the dress will get out of shape easily.

7. Dress the youngsters in cotton as much as possible. Cotton is cheaper, and survives constant laundering. Also save yourself time by selecting children's clothes that haven't too many buttons and buttonholes to be replaced and repaired. The closely woven cottons wear the best, Seersucker needs no ironing.

How can you tell whether clothes linings are color-fast? Try this little trade secret: Rub a handkerchief over the lining. If any color shows on the handkerchief, look for another lining.

Care for your dresses pays in dollars-and-cents, and keep you  looking "like a million". Keep your eye on the little things. Careful darning will often hide snags, worn places, little cigarette burns. Matched patches hardly show on a print dress. Sometimes a little reinforcement of the seams and buttons on a new dress will save mending bills later. Check buttons and other trimmings before sending to the cleaner's, and sew on any loose ones, It pays to have burns and tears re-woven by the invisible process, if the garment is in good condition otherwise.

Clothes tossed or draped over chairs quickly loose shape, require more pressing and mending, wear out long before they should. Precaution: hang them up or fold neatly and put away!

-=Good Saving=-

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