
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Living off the "Fat of the Land" Part II

The information below was derived from a pamphlet that I found while cleaning out the attic.  The pamphlet was printed in 1941 and was titled "800 Ways to Save and Serve", which was designed to help Americans with the World War II effort. 

I find the information refreshing and sheds a little light on how my parents and family coped with the war.  Enjoy!

Save milk, too. When emptying a milk bottle, rinse with water the milk that remains and use it for cooking, in gravy, or other foods.

To enrich milk for the kiddies, make it a practice, when empty¬ing a cream bottle, to rinse out the remains with milk (not with water), then pouring it into the milk bottle.

If milk sours, it can be used in baking, even if the recipe calls for sweet milk. Just add t, l/2 tea¬spoon of baking soda for each cup of sour milk and deduct 2 teaspoons of baking powder.

Don't buy a quart of sour milk or buttermilk because you need a cupful for a special recipe. Just add 2 tablespoons vinegar to 1 cup of sweet milk and stir. Pres¬to! Sour milk.

Swiss cheese, muenster, American and similar cheeses are still tastily edible, even when dried out. Simply grate and use with spaghetti, soup or vegetables.

You'Il not waste cottage cheese during hot weather it you wrap a damp cloth around it, before put¬ting in the refrigerator. This will keep it fresh for at least five or six days.

To determine whether you are getting your money's worth when buying fresh eggs, you should know that:
1. A fresh egg sinks in water.
2. The shell should be dull and rough.
3. The yolk should be in the center. (Hold egg up to light).
4. The contents should not shake back and forth loosely.
5. The color of the egg shell has absolutely nothing to do with the quality of an egg. Buy brown or white eggs, whichever are cheaper. Don't wash eggs before storing.

Water destroys the protective film that keeps out air and odors.
Save spoilage, too, by keeping eggs in an open bowl or wire basket, and in a cool place.

Eggs kept at room temperature deteriorate rapidly. They belong in your refrigerator away from foods with penetrating odors.

Cracked eggs can be cooked in water without waste. They are just as good as any
other eggs. Add a teaspoon of salt to boiling water, immerse the egg and the contents will not ooze out.
To keep egg yolks fresh for several days, cover with cold water and store in refrigerator.

To use up leftover egg yolks, poach them till firm, then cool and put through sieve. Nice for salads, soup garnishes, canapes.

When eggs are scarce and costly, don't use them to thicken a mixture such as a sauce. Instead, use 1/2 tablespoon of corn-starch or 1 tablespoon of flour for each of the eggs required by the recipe. WARNING-don't substitute if eggs are used for leavening.

-=Good Selling=-

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