
Sunday, October 23, 2011

120 Ways to Save on Food "Part III"

The information below was derived from a pamphlet that I found while cleaning out the attic.  The pamphlet was printing in 1941 and was titled "800 Ways to Save and Serve", which was designed to help Americans with the World War II effort. 

I find the information refreshing and sheds a little light on how my parents and family coped with the war.  Enjoy!

In buying fruits and vegetables remembers, "beauty is only skin deep." Distinguish between blemishes that merely detract from the looks and those that affect taste and quality. The ugly ducklings cost less and often offer equally good food value. However, don't buy wilted or shrunken fruits or vegetables. Staleness betrays loss of vitamins.

You can easily prevent vegetables and greens from spoiling in the refrigerator by lining the bottom of the container with paper toweling. This absorbs the excess moisture which accumulates in the bottom of the container.

Keeping fruits and vegetables directly on ice is an invitation to spoilage and a waste of money.

Especially for cooking, shop deliberately for tomatoes which are misshapen or scarred, but otherwise O.K.. They cost less yet serve just as well.

To prevent store potatoes from sprouting or spoiling, put them into a shallow basket or box, allowing as much air as possible to circulate through them. You will avoid needless wastes because potatoes thus protected will stay firm and fresh.

Almost twice as much juice can be extracting from a lemon which has been warmed for a few moments.  A good method is to cover the lemon with hot water and let steep for a few minutes before squeezing.

Juices from canned or cooked fruits  and vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals and flavor. Don't ever throw them out! Keep two jars in your refrigerator--one for fruit juices, and the other for vegetables juices. Each makes a tasty "health cocktail," though you may prefer to blend the vegetable juice with lemon juice.

If only a little lemon juice is needed, make a cut in the end of the lemon and squeeze out the amount desired.

Shredded coconut which has turned stale can be freshened by soaking in a little milk for a few moments, then draining thoroughly before using.

Grease the pan before cooking rice and none will be wasted through sticking to the pan.

Before squeezing oranges and lemons, grate the rind and use a flavoring for cakes, puddings, pies, etc.

A clever woman also saves some of her orange and lemon rinds, boils then in water for a short time and uses the liquid in iced tea, lemonade, and fruit drinks. Costs nothing and helps make a fine thirst-quencher.

Potato skins contain many elements necessary for a healthy body. Moral: Eat the skins too.

Those pea pads you ordinarily throw away will add flavor to soup. Why waste celery tops. Cut them up and use to flavor meats, stews, soups, roasts, stuffings.

Most of us throw beet tops away, from force of habit. Actually they make a fine, free substitute for spinach greens, being rich in vitamins and minerals especially iron.

-=Good Selling=-

1 comment:

  1. You’ve given me a good idea. Thanks for sharing this info with me.
