
Monday, September 20, 2010

Top 5 Hot Dog Hangouts for Copier Reps!

In an ongoing thread posted in the "Made For You" Category of the Print4Pay Hotel forums, "Where to find the Best Hot Dogs" has been an ongoing topic of discussion. One member in North Jersey especially likes Rutt's Hut Fried Hot Dogs, GMAN stated "If you are into SPECIALTY wieners and like your food FRIED, take a spot at Rutt's Hut in New Jersey (not far from Ricoh HQ and the Pine Brook office!), GMAN also posted a link for this youtube video, the video also claims that Babe Ruth was a great connoisseur of Rutts Famous Dog!

When GMAN speaks about Hot Dogs, I'm there...I even paid a visit while in between demo's and chowed down on a couple of "rippers" that's Northern Jersey slang for hot dogs! fuggetaboutit these dogs are awesome!

Another Print4Pay Hotel member (that would be me), posted a thread for his top Hot Dog Stand in the world!! Where would that be, way down south in Melbourne, Florida at Mustards Last Stand (Chicago Style Hot Dogs).  You just gotta love the name right?  I found Mustards Last Stand by accident, while in Florida and traveling to watch my son's Collegiate Baseball Team play Florida Tech. 

There it was, larger than life a GIANT mustard colored sign that was screaming for me to pull over at once and get a handful of dogs. The wife and I made the stop and let me tell you these where the best Hot Dogs I've ever had and I'm kinda like a Hot Dog connoisseur, well at least in Jersey!  My wife had the surf and turf  and I had the discovery dog, hey... make sure when you're there that you check out the awesome fries.  BTW, the wife made me order a Yankee Dog for the kid, how embarrassing what that (I'm a Met fan)?  You can check out Mustards Last Stand Video.

Along came another thread from a long time Print4Pay Hotel member (Jason), he recommends Pinks in Hollywood, CA. Me, never been there, however I'll take Jason's word that they've got great dogs! Rumor is the line can be a mile long!!! I found this video on youtube for Pinks,  let me tell you these dogs seem awesome, two dogs in one bun, I'm loving it!!!  enjoy!!!!!

When you're talking Hot Dogs on the East Coast, you're talking Buttzville, NJ!!! Buttzville...kinda makes you laugh out loud (if you're 5), no joke that's when I was first introduced to Hot Dog Johnny's.  I can't tell you how many days we'd cut school and take the hour long trip to Johnny's which sits along side a "trout stream" and State Highway 31.  The "works" includes the bun, the dog, the diced onions, the mustard and a long pickle that fits perfectly on top "o" the bun!!!

Whether you're out cold callin, wasting time or just finishing that copier demo or you've secured the paperwork, it's time to treat yourself to some of the best dogs in the country!!

-=Good Selling=-

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