
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

haha "You Wanted the Multifunctional Copier When?"

I tell ya, sometimes this business will drive you mad.  I'll try to make a long story short for you all.

My month closes before the end of the month (special thanx to all you bean counters out there), I'm in this account pretty much mid month, they want "x brand and model multifunctional copier". I've got it, we're negotiating price and it comes down to they'll shop, np I'll walk and you call me when you're ready. Well the end of the month came and gone besides a few emails back and forth with the client nothing was going on.

A week after the month closes the customer calls me and states "we're leaning towards your company, however can we get it for this?" I thought enough of the games. I asked if I gave them that price will they lease from me, answer was yes. I scheduled an appointment to get the paperwork signed.

Now, a little background on this customer, they've been around for 20 years or so, I've called on them before, decent size SMB. I get there, I then find out they are moving and also that they are closing the old corp. and operating under another corporate name that's been around for two years, and then they want the system in 8 business days! I thought I could swing it with a fast approval, so much for the fast approval! They are not registered with D&B, really have no credit under the new corporate name. Let's face it in today's credit market, they are a risk that no one is willing to take.

I called them yesterday and with three days left to deliver I advised them that we'll need to get a PG to consider and move forward. That's were we are now with two days (they stated they may not want to do that, I don't think they have a choice at this point in time), oh forgot to tell you that the administrator told me that if they don't have the system on that day they'll have to pay extra for their network people to come back on site! HAHA

Kinda reminds me of being penny wise and dollar foolish, instead of shopping and wasting time, they should have committed way earlier and it's possible all of the credit issues could have been addressed earlier. There's saying in the Real Estate Industry that your first offer is usually your best offer, well the same can be said here.

To all of the buyers out there, the credit market is tough, especially when you are in business under 3 years! Expect to PG the lease, if you're not willing to do this, then you're wasting your time giving us additional trade references, or banking references. Be up front with your sales person and we can guide you to the right process and get your financing approved. Don't drop bombs at the last moment and expect us to perform miracles and deliver on "x" date. You want it when? haha

-=Good Selling=-

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