
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Need MFP Salespeople?

For the last seven years, I've had the privledge of being able to be the General Manager and Coach of a Summer Collegiate Baseball Team. That's one of the reasons why I don't blog as much in the summer compared to the fall, winter and spring.

Over the years I've seen some outstanding ball players, with that it seems to be a rare breed that's an outstanding player and person. The game of baseball similar to other sports require dedication, determination and desire (where have you heard that before). I believe that an athlete who has played four years of college sports is exceptionally well rounded in character. It takes a heck of alot of work to get your education and compete day in and day out to keep your position, or your competitive advantage. Plus there are many pitfalls, obstacles and bumps in the road. All of these athletes will pick themselves up, dust themsleves off and they're ready to compete again.

Personally, I can tell that most of these players will succeed in life because of the team values they've learned along with success of winning and and taste of failure in losing. Most have learned that if you work hard good things will come down the road. They have learned how to win and how to lose.

When you're looking for your next sales person, take the time to check and see if they partipated in Collegiate sports. If listed call thier coach for a reference of character, ask about the work ethic and the sportsmanship. Odds are you'll find some excellent talent with the Desire, Dedication and Determination to compete on another level.

-=Good Selling=-

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree more. Two of the top 3 salespeople at my company (including myself) played major collegiate baseball. The funny thing is that we've hired former high school players that had college offers but turned them down to live the Fraternity life, and every single one of them ended up quitting within 6-12 months, because they could not take the pressure of B2B sales.
