
Sunday, May 23, 2010

Selling Copiers and MFP's "Great Copier & MFP Recession"

Through out the last six months I've been holding off with touting that the "Great Copier/MFP Recession" is kaput! After hearing from other Print4Pay Hotel Members and what I've seen and sold the last six months,I hearby decree that the "Great Copier & MFP Recession" is now over!!!! Hurray!!

What's it been, about two and half years? It's seemed alot longer for me and some others. For the first time in two and half years, I'm maintaining my numbers, but what really clued me in was the last 45 days or so. The opportunities for new devices are off the charts. That's the good news!

There is some bad news however, it seems the average selling price is lower than it's ever been before. Direct Branch pressure, quota pressure and the presence of A4 devices has squeezed the heck out of the industry.

So, how do you combat average lower selling prices? For starters you need to sell more, sell more hardware, sell more solutions and find more opportunities, there's no other way around. Find ways to work smarter and be more productive.

Some titles I'm working on for this week:

Copier Manufacturers Need to Purchase Printer Manufacturers

10 Tips to Work Smarter and Increase your Productivty

-=Good Selling=-


  1. I don't think the copier recession is over. My numbers were up in the spring much like yours but the summer has been poor and my forcast of future deals looks grim. As I looked thru my book of business last week I noted that about 30% of the companies I've done business with in the past no longer exist. As I look at my list of leases coming due over the next year I noted that 40% or more are either in default or are significantly behind with the leasing partner, out of business or are in fields where my chances of getting them a new lease are slim. Additionally I am noting the number of vacant commercial properties in my area.....its staggering. Add to the poor economy the things that are going on in our industry in general and I would call it a perfect storm. Perhaps I am over reacting but I am pretty down in the dumps with the industry right now. I hope you are right and we are just in the summer doldrums right now. Time will tell.

  2. Thanx for the reply, my June was good as previous months, I took a shelacking in July, August seems like it might be a 100% month. I agree with some of your points, I have about two months of quota on deals that I can't get approved. That's a good amount of business, I guess the only reaction has to be a positive one for us. Please le us know how things work out!

