
Monday, January 18, 2010

Selling Copiers "Machines in Field" Review

Dig this, while you're out there selling your systems or servicing your systems, guess what your competition is doing? Well, if they've seen the "MIF" (Machines in Field) Webinar from Print Audit, then they're attempting to steal or have stolen your pages and migrate them to their devices!

Think about this, you've got an account that has 25 MFP systems and a boat load of printers, the MFP's are serviced by one vendor and the printers are service by another vendor. Guess what! The printer vendor who also sells MFP's and Print Management showed the "MIF" Review to the your client.

Now they couldn't get MFP's in their because your systems have been entrenched for years, however your competition demo'd Print Audit's "MIF" and sold them Print Audit 6 with Rules Based Printing. Six months later you find out that your volumes are down 50%!!! Where did they go? The other vendor set Rules Based Printing through Print Audit 6 and set a rule that most of the prints now go to their devices!!! My God they've stolen your revenue!

A little far fetched? Maybe, but if I was a vendors rep and I wanted those pages, that's what I would do. Combine this with the fact that MPS is here to stay and you're taking quite a gamble. These MPS providers will look to capture YOUR pages!

What to do? Take the time to view Print Audit's Webinar on Machines in Field Review. Protect your base before someone else steals your revenue!


February 10, 2010, there will be two webinars one for Central and East Coast and one for Mountain and Pacfic. Exact time will be posted, plus a link to register.

“The Print Audit MIF Review has received a lot of acclaim from Office Equipment Dealers. The hour long, comprehensive overview starts with case studies that show you how much dealers are increasing their revenues. It then details the incredible value that your customers receive by implementing print management into their environments. Finally, you will be taught how to take the MIF Review to your customers right away through a customer presentation that will be given to each participant.

Every day Print Audit dealers increase their hardware sales “click” volumes by introducing their customers to print management. Print Audit dealer’s customers save millions of dollars while at the same time saving hundreds of thousands of trees, and all of the other environmental impacts created by making paper.”

Space is limited.
Reserve your Webinar seat now at:

-=Good Selling=-

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