
Friday, November 20, 2009

Canon & HP "Your Thoughts on The New Alliance"

We've had this poll running on the blog for awhile and I thought it's time we closed it to add a new poll for the Canon/Oce purchase.

When asked: Canon & HP "Your Thoughts on The New Alliance"

It's not going to affect us at all and we are not concerned 51%
We're a Canon Dealer and we are concerned 26%
We're a Canon Dealer and not concerned 12%
We're an HP Dealer and we are concerned 8%

What can we take from this? 63% of those responding as an HP or Canon were not concerned about the alliance. 34% were concerned about the new alliance. To put this in a little more perspective the chat on the Print4Pay Hotel Forums has been minimal since the alliance was announced. But, with the emergence of the Canon/Oce purchase looming, it seems to me that Canon saturation in major and secondary markets may now drive Canon Dealers to another vendor, just as it did with all of the Ricoh purchases over the last few years. I'm also sure there will be alot of pain in the supply line also, once OCE starts moving the Canon boxes.

-=Good Selling=-

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