
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Copier Sales "A Week in the Life" Tuesday!

Tuesday!....."Woke up, got outta bed, dragged a comb across my head, found my way downstairs and drank a cup and looking up I noticed I was late, found my coat and grabbed my hat...." and with that I was off to my 10AM appointment.

It's strange how things work out, I got an email and then a call from my sales manager late yesterday asking me if I was ever notified of an appointment that was made for me. I stated I was aware of the one in the afternoon but not this one. I was then told that the afternoon appointment was cancelled and to go to this one. I looked again at the email with the address and noticed it was a mere 60 miles away, in Jersey 60 miles away could take an eternity to drive. So, I did the mapquest and the gas check (nice feature on map quest, tells you how much gas you'll use), mapquest stated 70 minutes with no traffic, no pit stops for coffee, so I figured 90 minutes.

I left at 8:30AM, made the usual stops, caffeine, mints, can of dip and away I went in a torrential downpour. I arrived that the account about 10 after 10 (what else is new). The appointment was at a church in the Jersey Pinelands (nice area, not much around except pine trees, sand and the occasional WAWA). I walked in, introduced myself and was received very warmly only to hear this, "gee, we called your office a few days ago and cancelled our appointment, we're so sorry you have to come out in this terrible weather!". Do I need to day more??? I sent a text back to my manager asking who's paying for the gas and the travel time wasted!

Well, being the trooper that I am, I decided I would cold call my way back to at the least the Garden State Parkway. In 18 miles, I found three places to cold call, all were pleasant and nothing happening at all three, will call them in a few days.

Making Calls

I was able to make a few calls from the car, just trying to catch up on the 80 phone calls that are stacked up, and I was able to pick up one appointment for later in the week. My next stop was to help a customer on an install, I told him I would train him on e-copy and wanted make sure all of the connections were made for LAN fax, Scan2email, Scan2folder. Cutting to the chase, the one PC had permissions set by an outside IT person that would not allow ecopy to install, I asked him to call and have the IT guy or gals make the changes so we could install. OH, it's one of those days huh!

Here in Jersey, it's its been cold, dark and damp for at least the last two weeks! Everyday is a day closer to better weather, seems like that's the same with sales, each day brings new opportunities!! Yea!

Home Office

I got back to the home office in one piece, just about 3PM, and then continued making calls till a little after 5, no appointments however , I got the follow up calls down to a more manageable 60. Hoping that the sun will shine tomorrow, late in the day, I heard one of our sales guys got the ax, puts it all in perspective doesn't it?

-=Good Selling=-

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