
Monday, February 23, 2009

MFP Copier Polls "Print4Pay Hotel #9"

Polling Copier Sales People #9

The Print4Pay Hotel consistently runs polls among our members. Global membership is now over 2,200 members from 137 countries.

Our membership includes Dealer Sales People, Dealer Owners, Manufacturer Sales People, Sales Managers, Service Engineers, Customer Service Engineers, Dealer Sales Managers, Product Managers and Management.

I urge everyone to become a member, talk to your peers, exchange ideas, share competitive quotes and get a daily does of MFP Inspiration.

P4PHotel members responded with these answers in recent polls on the P4PHotel Message Boards.

Managed Print Services Poll: 110 votes cast
Question: How much did Global a Xerox Company pay for Comdoc?

100 million or more 49%
75 million to 99 million 21%
50 million to 74 million 13%
25 million to 49 million 9%
Under 25 million 8%

110 votes total (word on the street is the deal was more than 100 million)

Is your company going to offer Managed Print Services: 83 votes cast

Yes 45% (Planning to offer)
No 16%
We already have it in place 40%

An astounding 45% of dealers plan to offer Managed Print Services, sounds like our advertiser (Print Audit) has hit a home run!

Next poll results: How many dealers are planning to get on board selling Document Management Software? You'll be surprised!! If your company is interested in advertising to our members we are know looking to put on a DMS vendor, give us a shout if interested.

-=Good Selling=-

Art Post

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