
Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Laser Printers & Cats "Something Has To Go"!

I'll be the first to admit, I am NOT a cat lover. While these creatures are nice to look at they play havoc in my home office.

See, it all started a few years ago when my wife thought she would do someone a favor and take their cat because they were moving. My wife didn't do much research to think that this cat would ever come out of the room (my office) when we have a 170lb RotMastiff roaming the house.

She came home with the cat and the sucker ran right into my office and has not come out of the office in two years!!! That's right, I share my office with a beast that hurls furballs, bites, yaks food and craps in a box (lovely).

So last summer, my son comes homes from Pro Baseball and decides that him and his finance wanted a kitten. Against my arguments, they got this cute little furball, now this furball stayed with them in our house but in their apartment (thank goodness). Well, low and behold Summer became fall and my son and his finance are back in college for one last semester. My wife in the meantime had another lapse in judgement and could not bear to have the little furball alone. So, the cycle starts again, they bring this beast in the house, open the box and where does the little crap kicker go? Yup, into my office, so now I have two crapkickers (litter box mates) fighting wars in my office.

At this point in time, I thinkin about how someone told me that the average cats life span is now 18 years (argggggggh). Check out the Video, the little crapkickers.

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