
Friday, November 28, 2008

Top Ten Copier Sales Tips

Whats made me successful in the field for so many years? I given this much thought and would like to share my top ten from my 28 years in down the street sales.

1. Be a consultant and not a sales person. Dig deep for their workflow and volume.
2. Always try to meet with the buyer/decision maker and not the gate keeper.
3. Be a professional at your job. Be on time, Courteous, Clean, speak their language.
4. Find out what your potential client does, what do they sell or manufacturer.
5. Position your self as the expert. Testimonials, Recommendations, Certificates..etc
6. Find out who they do business with. You may have common ground.
7. What is their buying time and why? (do they have pain)
8. What will make them buy or lease now. You won't know if you don't ask.
9. Know who your competition is.
10. Be creative, think outside the box, just because they have one unit does not mean they are not open to more units. Offer third party software solutions. Change the rules if you need to.

Too many sales people get lazy and look for an easy sale, believe me the days of easy sales are over. A Customer has a 35ppm system and the first thought is they need another 35ppm system. WRONG! They may need more or less, you've got to dig deep into their workflow, volumes and current costs. It's much easier to place your system if you can show the customer that they will save money, or increase productivity at no extra cost. It can be done, you just need to do the research, ask the right questions and be creative.

-=Good Selling=-

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