
Thursday, November 22, 2007

Some Copier Humor For The Holidays!

An office in the not too distant future.

An ageless and timeless copier scenario plays out a few years in the future। Hopefully you'll all enjoy.

Mary and Bob had been celebrating the Holiday Season with a few too many drinks at their company party in Boston. Bob thought of getting a color image of himself and Mary on the new color copier and emailing it to a few friends. Both Bob and Mary made their way to the Genesis 3995. Bob had been fascinated with the Genesis 3995. A few years ago Bob had been employed repairing copiers for a "good six months".

Bob, being the ever so kind technician raised the lid of the copier for Mary. Mary being on the petite size had no problem lifting her onto the copier, however Bob (they all called him BIG BOB) had a much harder time saddling up on the system. Bob keyed in the email addresses, with an outstretched finger he managed to press the print key for the copier. Just as the scanner finished the Plexiglass (oh, let me explain the plexi, a few years ago, someone had won a law suit because the glass from the copier broke and caused that person undue harm when they emailed a copy of their behind to the President of their firm) on the copier gave way and both Mary and Bob fell into the copier butts first! They both struggled to get themselves out, however with his feet in the air and Mary’s foot in the paper bank, yeah.....they were down real deep। There was not much they could do to remove themselves from the Genesis 3995 color।

After a few minutes, Bob the always-thinking technician realized that he could access the "TECH STAR” key. Now "TECH STAR” was developed a few years ago by Genesis Corp. and was basically "copied” from the GM support called "ON STAR". Bob reached out his arm, while grimacing, all he had to do was just overstretch his index finger a little more and he would be able to "tap" the "TECH STAR" key, and he got it ! Bob new that in a few moments they would have the help of "TECH STAR". As they waited for the connection Bob, managed to shift his frame a little to the left thus allowing Mary to remove her foot from his from the paper tray. A few tweedles and a beep and they had been connected to "TECH STAR"! A picture and voice was displayed on the copier LCD Display. In an accent unknown to Bob and Mary. The "Tech Star" representative announced his presence."Teke Starrr" des iz Ranjii, me mean Chuck, hough I hep youz? After hearing the voice Bob had realized that he was in big trouble. Bob was able to eek out to Ranjii I mean Chuck that he and Mary the two of them were stuck in the Genesis 3995 and that they were in risk of getting एलेक्त्रोकुते Now as much as Bob had a hard time understanding Ranjii/Chuck, Ranjii/Chuck also was not that familiar with Bob's heavy Bostonian accent and euphemisms. Ranjii/Chuck thought he heard Bob say he was stuck making a two-sided copy of and electrician’s manual! So as Chuck/Ranjii the ever-courteous support person was trying to convey how to access the Duplex feature and the Book Copy...... Bob being very knowledgeable about copiers knew he was not getting the proper help he needed, heck he could not make out a word "TECH STAR" was saying.

HE NEEDED HELP! For a moment he reminisced about his first day at “The How to Export Support Jobs Corporation” almost a good six months ago!By this time Mary had her hair caught in the scanner and the Genesis 3995 dual laser beam had almost burned her right foot away. Bob knew his only recourse was to try and rock the Genesis 3995 off its feet if he was to save him and Mary.So as Bob struggled to move his frame left to right, back and forth, left to right and back to forth. He was getting there and really working it. The Genesis 3995 was violently rocking back and forth and side to side. Did we forget about Chuck/Ranjii, he could hear the Genesis 3995 be shaken apart; his computer sensors told him that there was a seismic event happening at Genesis 3995. Chuck/Ranjii thought quickly, called his superior and they then placed a call to 911 in the US.

Some time later, the Genesis 3395 was on its side. Both Bob and Mary had been removed mangled plastic and the scene, the 911 call had alerted rescue to the terrible accident. Newspaper article “Tech Star Releases Two from Genesis 3995”

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