
Wednesday, September 5, 2007

E-Copy 9.0 "What Are You Waiting For"?

Selling MFP's is a competitive business and it seems to be getting tougher every day..... for the reps who are only selling boxes or just upgrading existing clients! If can't separate yourself from the competition, your sales will and probably are in a downward spiral!

Let me tell you a quick story, we have five reps at our place. we represent Ricoh, Oki and Muratec. The guy with the least experience is 8 years in the business and then ten years and then the other three with over twenty years in the business. We have been an ecopy dealer for the last two years, at the end of the meeting I posed a question to all of the reps and then asked this one question. "What does ecopy desktop software do"? His response, "it scans...." I stopped him right there and told him he was wrong. I then made the statement that if we as reps can't start selling simple fantastic solutions, then you will be going the way of the Edsel!

E-Copy Desktop 9.0 Desktop software (Desktop Printer) is a great solution for merging electronic files from MS Word, Excel or other Windows applications along with scanned files to create a single document! You can move pages from any application to any position in the document. You can then email, LAN fax or print the document in the correct collated order. No more printing from multiple applications and then hand collated and then bring them to the copier. If you do not think that this has value in the office, YOU ARE MISTAKEN! Productivity in the office is probably in the top three when it comes to cost efficiency.

As a solutions guru, you need to bundle a 5 user license with every mfp, and stop talking about speeds and feeds and start talking about increasing productivity in the office! Start the talk track off with the software first, tell them the FAB (Features Advantage and Benefits) of E-Copy first. By doing this you will separate yourself from your competitor.

Here's another great thing about e-copy and my clients agree with me about this. The last time you created a document, think about how many different applications you used, MS Word, Excel, PDF's and maybe a scanned image or two? Ok, now you have printed all of you pages, hand collated them and then walked them to the copier for additional sets or you just needed one and did not make a copy. Tell me, what happens when you need to recreate that document in the future, arg!, you'll have to remember the file name from each application and then start the whole process over again. When you're using e-copy it can save the whole document as a pdf and can be saved in one folder! This is a great time saving for the average office user!

While in offices, I have found that a great number if SMB accounts do not have the full version of Adobe, at $400-$500 per license it is expensive. So, most of them are creating documents that way that I outlined.

Tip: Sell the solution and not the box, ecopy also has many other features which I enjoy. You can download a free 45 day evaluation here

1 comment:

  1. Art - Just wanted to say thanks for passing along your experiences with eCopy Desktop and its role in an overall solution sellng strategy. It's clear that you are approaching MFP sales with the right model and I look forward to continuing to read your blog and hearing your insights. Keep up the great work on the blog and good luck selling!
