
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Week in Imaging Honors Art Post One of Most Influential in Imaging Industry

The Week in Imaging Honors Art Post One of Most Influential in Imaging Industry

Ewing, New Jersey, May 28, 2013The Week in Imaging (TWII), a weekly online publication focusing on news, information, and commentary about the imaging industry, has named Art Post, founder of the Print4Pay Hotel and The MFP Solutions Blog as one of its Top 40 Most Influential People in the Imaging Industry for 2013. This is the second time Post has been recognized in TWII’s Top 40, the first time in 2011 when the awards were first presented.

Every other year The Week in Imaging presents its Top 40 Most Influential People in the Imaging Industry. The broad mix of individuals consist of those who make the tough decisions either at the top or at various levels within their organizations, those who others in the industry follow or emulate as well as thought leaders whose commentary and experience help them navigate through the ever-changing landscape whether it be hardware, solutions or services that make up the imaging industry.

“While most of the folks on our most influential list are upper-level executives in dealerships; key executives with OEMs, services, and solutions providers; or industry consultants, it’s refreshing to know that plenty of feet-on-the-street sales reps and dealer principals still appreciate the opinions, sometimes controversial, of one of their peers,” states Scott Cullen, editor and publisher of The Week in Imaging. “What impresses us about Art is that he has thousands of readers all around the world, many just like him in sales positions, who appreciate his knack for telling it like it is.” 

“I’m honored to be included among such a distinguished group of individuals, many of whom have made a huge impact on the imaging industry and are people I respect,” adds Art Post. “To be acknowledged for something that began as a hobby and has evolved into something that has been so influential to so many people is especially gratifying. I’m looking forward to sharing my insights in my blog and allowing others to share their best practices and opinions in our various Print4Pay Hotel forums for many years to come.”

# # #

Monday, May 27, 2013

How Can You be the Best at MPS, MFP, MNS?

What does it take to be among the elite sales people at your branch or your dealership?

For starters you've got to have a passion for being number 1.  Nothing floats my boat more than being at the top of the totem poll each and every month. I like to win, don't like to lose and will do the extra work to make sure my numbers are the best they can be month in and month out.

I've spoken about the 3D's of selling before and they are Desire, Dedication and Determination.  Too often I see reps that will slack off once they've hit their number. The phone calls, the appointments and the opportunities drop. On the other hand I also understand why this can happen, our business unlike any other is filled with rejection, riddled with price driven customers and reps, along with countless hours of research that can lead to failure.

To be the best you've got to WANT IT!  Why would you be in sales if you didn't want to be at the top of the ladder each month, each quarter and year end?

For me, I pick out a goal each year, this years goal is to be number one, not only in percentage of quota but overall sales volume (it's gonna be a dog race to the finish).  This year in 2013 wanted to raise my quota by $10K per month, you know what I did?  I refused it and asked then to raise it by $25K per month. I'll admit, I'm driven and once I set my mind on something I'll try my hardest to achieve that goal.  Along with claiming the goal,  everything else seems to fall in place like the commissions, the spiffs, the placements and additional knowledge of the competition. It's a never ending learning cycle and what I like best about sales is that as long as you put the work and effort in, you never know what the next day is going to bring!

So, I've got these three targets that I try to hit every month, I know that as long as I hit these targets I'm going to be Number 1.

If you'd like those targets, then please email me and after you've registered for the forums and I'll send them to you. Feel free to log on and become a member of the largest group of Copier (Imaging) Professionals in the world!

If you're interested in raising the level of your sales team(s) excitement with a motivational seminar. I'm available to speak at your dealership or direct branch. I have an awesome story to tell that can inspire reps to stay in the industry, sell more, and have more passion.  Send an email to

-=Good Selling=-

8 Tips from Selling Copy Machines in the 80's

When you've been in the business as long as I've been there always seems to be that little something that you can write about.

I was taught that after every order/sale I would then ask Mr. or Mrs. Right for three referrals that I could call on.  Seems back in the 80's everyone needed a plain paper copier. Wait! Let me stop right there, I'll go out on limb and bet that at least 60% of today's reps that are selling copiers probably always thought that copiers always printed on plain paper! Yes, the 80's, everyone needed a plain paper copier, and at the end of every sale we asked "Would it be possible to get the name of two or three businesses that may be interested in our services"?   That was then, and to tell you the truth the last time I used that is when a prospect asked for a better price and I tied in, "If I give you a better price will you sign the order today and I'll need two or three businesses that may be interested in my services".

But, it does bring back memories of things we used to do. Here's a short list of how we did things in the 80's:

1) Send a Thank You card for every sale you made.
2) Send a check for $25 or an in house credit to a customer that gave us as a reference and we made the sale.
3) Ask for referrals after every sale you made.
4) Knock on the doors of the businesses next to the customer you just made the sale to.
5) Give a check to the technicians for leads (they loved this, and I was very generous to many, now it seems that most dealers are controlling this, because too many sales people never paid up).
6) Send Christmas cards (I sent them with my name and the dealership name).
7) Call an existing customer and ask them if they know of anyone who is interested in my services (offer them free toner if a sale goes down).
8) Call and ask for a letter of reference (now you can still call them and maybe email them and ask them to post a referral for you on linkedin. I include my linkedin signature link on my emails)

I'm sure that some of are still doing a few of these today, but I plan to pick up my game with mailing Thank You cards again, asking for referrals after the sale, calling an existing customer to see if they know of anyone they could refer me to along with adding more referrals on linkedin.

-=Good Selling=-

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Ricoh Plotworks "Way To Screw Up the W3601"

Back in March of 2013 I was alerted via an email from a Print4Pay Hotel member that Ricoh would be updating the wide format W3601 and the only update would be the addition of PLP's Plotworks. Just to make it clear, any W3601 purchased by a dealer or direct branch will have Plotworks period. The MSRP of the W3601 went from $13,495 to $14,890. 

PLP Plotworks is Ricoh US answer to not having a true batch plot software, that went away many years ago when Ricoh parted ways with Ratio.

With Plotworks my price has increased by more than 27% for the addition of batch plotting!  Thus, I have many questions that will go unanswered, and I'll start with; Did anyone in the Ricoh wide format division ever think of asking end users of the W3601 if they needed batch plotting, or better yet, did you ever think of contact some of your reps and ask them if Plotworks was needed for the W3601?   I've been selling wide format Ricoh devices since the inception of the W240 and after Ratio software went away I was bummed because we would lose the batch plot software. Little did I know that at least 80% of my end users had no need for the Plot Client Win (Ratio batch plot software), I didn't find this out until I started asking prospects if they needed batch plotting because of Ricoh dropping Ratio. Yes. I lost a few deals on the W3601 because I did not have a batch plot program, but I've one far more deals without the need for Plotworks because I was able to be competitive!

I'll admit we need a batch plot software on the higher

Sunday, May 19, 2013

3D MFP Printer/Copier/Scanner "Ready for Prime Time"?

3D printers are hot, and they got even hotter after President Obama made mention of them in his State of the Union address this year.  My google alerts now carries at least 10-15 mentions of 3D printers each week, before the State of the Union address, maybe 5 or 6 per week.

Since you have or may be thinking about getting that 3D printer, could we possible see 3D MFP's (multifunctional device) that will scan 3D and copy 3D items in the near future?

Think about it, if I'm a novice user with a 3D printer and I'm really not good with engineering software or I'm tired of the template files that came with my 3D printer, why the heck would I want one?  Where I see the value at least for me, is the ability to place and item on the 3D MFP and then make copies of them. Think of it, you could make a copy of just about anything, whether it's a small part, a sculpture, nick knacks, flower pots, or whatever the heart desires. I'll admit I'm knew to the entire process of 3D printing, however if we had a 3D MFP would we'd be able to scan an item and then have that data transformed into a CAD or some type of engineering file.  Better yet, what about sending a copy of that item to another 3D printer that could be located anywhere in the world.  Could there be a 3D printer portable image format that's just dedicated to 3D MFP's for copying and scanning?  Would I be able to them email that to someone else?

Maybe 3D MFP's could be the first replicators that were used in Star Trek in the seventies.  I'm thinking there is a place for 3D MFP's in the very near future.  Would it be far fetched that we could scan out favorite pet and keep the likeness of them around forever?  Could we see color 3D MFP's in the near future?  The possibilities can become endless, but could also open up new businesses opportunities for those creative entrepreneurs.

Why haven't we seen any of the major copier manufacturers enter the industry?  It's a no brainer to me, closed consumables, service contracts, on site service and training it's all there. 3D printers would be a great additional to your dealerships portfolio of products and services offered also!

3D printers, 3D MFP's (maybe), but for right now it seems like it's the Wild, Wild West about this for this growing industry.

-=Good Selling=-

10 Things Might Not Know About Digital Duplicators

Every so often it seems I'm back on the duplicator band wagon for awhile.  For years I was only able to sell the Ricoh Priports, let me stop here for a moment. 

What does Priport mean or what possessed Ricoh to choose the name Priport?  If I had to choose a name for a hi speed duplicator I would have chosen something like DocuPress, Image Print or DupliPress many years ago.

In the last few months I've been able to learn more about the Riso Duplicators, and while my heart is still with the Ricoh Priport there are some awesome features with some of the Riso Duplicators. 

  • The first true digital duplicator was developed

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Growth Opportunities for Wide Format & The PEiR Group

This week I had an interesting email from Joel Salus. Joel is the Author "Reprographics 101" blog ad over the years we've been able to trade some information here and there.  Joel's blog can now be located at the IRgA web site.  The email was so informative about wide format that I asked Joel if I could use him as our Guest Blogger for this month.  Enjoy!

Hi Art,

The last time I dropped you an e-mail, your son had just graduated from Infantry Boot Camp. I hope your son is doing well!

Today, I visited your blog and read a couple of articles you posted about the Photizo Group conference you attended in Scottsdale. I received a "complimentary" invitation to attend the conference, but, unfortunately, I couldn't make it because I've had a very heavy workload the past couple of months .... and that hasn't let up yet.

I wanted to take just a minute to drop you a note about one thing you said in one of your recent blog posts.

Below, I've copied a sentence form that recent post:

"There seems to be growth opportunities for wide format systems, and we also mentioned the potential explosive growth for 3D printers".

Art, you may recall,

Friday, May 17, 2013

7 Questions for Lisa At OES

From time to time I try to get my sponsors involved with the MFP Solutions blog.

Sometimes a banner ad does not tell you enough about the company nor the person behind the product.  Many months ago I had an email from Lisa Chiu introducing her self and asking for help in promoting the products and services that she sells.  Over the last three months my team was able to help Lisa with building her website, optimizing for SEO, and promoting her brand.  While you may not know Lisa like I do, I think when you're done reading what we've put together you'll have a better understanding that Lisa is committed to the channel and committed to offering quality products and service. 

Without further ado (keep in mind that your truly does not do many of these interviews and I'm just learning) please enjoy my interview with Lisa!!

How long have you been in the toner supply industry and what did you do prior to OES Tech?

I've been in the industry for almost 10 years. I started in this field by selling OEM parts and supplies in laser and copier to individual technician in 2004. Not knowing anything about this industry, I really mean it..... zero knowledge.  Two months after I started, I asked one of the technicians give me a lesson by taking apart our copy machine Toshiba BD 2860.  It was then that I realized where all the consumables were in the equipment along with the function for each part.  I made sure to store them all in my head as  world map and I'd be able to relate to any supplies when technician calling order, I was also learn the interchange able models in between brands. I thought this is FUN!!!!….....Before that I was  in the Shoe industry as a Office manager , Shipping Supervisor & sales assist for east coast contract sales… pretty much I ran the whole company , I love selling and trading and anything that turns into green as everyone else out there. (Lisa)

What's special and unique about your company?

Things got twisted by the poor economy condition.  Since 2007 start shifting left and right till rolling down the hill three years ago, luckily  we are in the field will never die out but compress in size which trigger lots of thinking to lots others and including myself.. thinking change to different supplier with lower cost or changing business field. Then I thought with the resources I have in Compatible Supplies will definitely help customers to save in cost . “ If it is the Same then Why Pay More” from that point on I was able to change my business strategy and only deal with OEM Equivalent Supplies (O E S) , it’s not easy to convince your OEM user to aftermarket but everyone is interesting to saving. By passing out samples as free trials,  they loved it and started ordering pallets and pallets to central America and US domestic reseller. Things start working well and I keep tell my customer "No feedback it’s always a good feedback”.

Is there any one sale/order that stands out from another?

 I ran into a presentation with a well known Original Equipment Manufacturer and presented our products to 10+ directors and supervisors from Head corporation and sub dealers (I were sweat like no  tomorrow, with my 4 inches  on my feet… what a killing!! ) and every word you said it counts as a promise and documented. … after 30 minutes of the meeting /presentation the head director of the aftermarket supplies chain department asked me “ Why makes you think you capable to do business with us ? What makes you think you are special compare to all other companies out there?”  … I sat back the chair a little and thinking … Quality? Price? … Service ? Oh no,  I cant think of any thing my brain went blank but in less than 10seconds  I reply------ “well, we do not alternate sourcing of our products and I can invite all of you for a manufacturer site inspection” … I had found my spirit in business as Dedication.

Do you attend any of the ITEX or BTA events?

We do not exhibit any conventions but we do attend shows as to social with some of our clients and obtain information of the market.

Where do your supplies ship from and do you offer special discounts to Print4Pay Hotel members?

All our products are FOB CA 91789 ( Walnut, CA) . Full Fill 95%, rest will fulfill with 1-business day.  Daily cutoff 4pm . order can be accept by email or you may obtain User ID and Password to browsing and place order on our site.  Normal Customer who order over $750 will get Free shipping . For P4P Hotel member you will get Free shipping when order over $500.00.

Do you guarantee your products?

We do pallet loads order all time , we guaranty 1year with 1:1 replacement.

Note from Art:  If you're a Print4Pay Hotel member and even  a dedicated reader of the MFP Solutions Blog, I can't do what I do without the help of companies like OES Tech and our sponsors. Please find the time visit Lisa's site and to also call Lisa and ask us to tell us more about those 4 inch heels!!  Thank God I don't have to sell in those.


-=Good Selling=-

Scan2Cloud Solution the Alternative to eCopy

When you've been in the busy as long as I've been you see many reps come and go, however for those of us that stick around we have a tendency to never leave the business.  I met Monte through the Print4Pay Hotel forums many years ago, it may have been in 04 or 05, even though we've never met we've been able to help each other with information through the P4P forums and ever now and then we get the chance to chat on the phone.

A few months ago, Monte introduced me to CC Scan and gave me a brief overview of the features and benefits of the program. I'm not able to offer CC Scan to my current prospects and current clients, although I wish I could. I'm sure many readers maybe able to use CC Scan as an additional tool or to add value to the MFP sale. Lately, I been asking every potential prospect if they are archiving or scanning to cloud based software and I would estimate that 60-65% have answered that question as a yes.  The key question would be "how are you doing that" and or please show me.  CC Scan allows you to.....well better that it comes from Monte than me.......

Capture Component based in San Juan Capistrano, California has just released its newest version of ccScan Now integrating all manufactures of MFP’s and offering an alternative to eCopy that is a fraction of the price.

This software allows users to scan document directly to cloud based repositories like,, Google Drive, SharePoint 365 along with several other cloud providers. Users simply scan the document at the MFP and key in Metadata at the point of scan and documents are automatically filed correctly and named correctly to the cloud. All companies are either looking at cloud solutions or they have already implemented one. At a cost of only @$360 annually you now have a solution to offer that your competitor may not. Want some help on a presale?

Monte Jensen with 20 years of experience in the MFP space is there to help with trial licenses and web-ex demos.

So, Monte knows his stuff, as a matter of fact he is my "go to" guy when I have a question about eCopy (speaking of eCopy, have you ever tried to get support out of them...).  Maybe you're looking for that special lockout feature, or maybe you're looking to build your Pro Services, or better yet you're looking to drive additional profits and margins.  CC Scan offers you many choices, no quotas and the opportunity to be "the expert" with Scan2cloud solutions and it's device agnostic!!!!

You can reach at 415-286-1127 or email him at  and as Monte would say "Good Solution Selling"

-=Good Selling=-

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Sharp jp Update less than 48 hours for 2012 financials

On May 14th, Sharp will release their financials for 2012 and unveil a business plan that will define how Sharp will kick start and improve it's finances. So what I've compiled below is some recent quotes about Sharp that I gather from many different sources:

Bad News Notes about Sharp for the past two weeks included:

"Japan's leading maker of liquid crystal displays had a 500 billion yen ($5.1 billion) net loss for the year, worse than the 450 billion yen deficit it forecast in November, the sources said on condition that they not be identified."

"In addition to the write-offs, the company is also taking a charge to put aside cash for possible fines from a display price-fixing investigation in Europe, the sources said."

"The write-off of excess capacity, however, highlights softer demand from Apple, which has seen its profit growth slow dramatically from more than 60 percent over the past five years to a projected rate of less than 5 percent for the next decade."

"but more fundamental problems remain. Sharp likely earned an operating profit in the second half of fiscal 2012 as requested by its main banks. Still, the impairment losses on LCD production facilities and other factors probably widened consolidated losses for the fiscal year beyond the projected Y450 billion."

"Sharp is in desperate need of cash, prompting it to accept a lifeline from rival Samsung. In March, Sharp raised Y10 billion from a new share issuance to Samsung, giving it about a 3% stake in Sharp. Sharp said in a statement the report wasn't based on anything it had announced."

"Sharp, which at the start of the year was forced to curtail production of 9.7-inch screens for Apple's iPad, began limited panel fabrication for Apple's next iPhone, with mass production slated to start in June, the sources said."

Good News Notes about Sharp for the past two weeks included:

"Its operating profit for the second half of its business year was 20 billion yen, compared with the company's forecast for 13.8 billion yen, the sources added."

"In addition, the two lenders have decided to give Sharp an extension on a total of Y360 billion in lending that matures in June. With the new facility, credit extended to Sharp by the two main banks, which stood at about Y200 billion as of March 31 last year, is expected to rise to around Y800 billion."

"Sharp Corp. aims to expand its business tie-up with Samsung Electronics Co. beyond liquid crystal displays, and is considering seeking an additional capital injection from the South Korean electronics conglomerate, the Yomiuri Shimbun reported in its Thursday morning edition.

"Under a three-year business plan scheduled to be released May 14, Sharp will likely include plan to expand its ties in areas such as copiers." 

"The number of Sharp directors will be reduced from 12 to six, and the company’s payroll will have significantly fewer advisers who previously served as presidents or vice presidents, according to the plan for the three-year period ending March 2016. Sharp is expected to release the plan on May 14."

"Sharp Corp. will cut 5,000 jobs, slash the number of directors and advisory positions and shift its production focus under a three-year plan to fully recover from the 2008 global financial crisis."

My View:  All of these statements were from various reports that were posted over the last two weeks. There seems to be as much good as bad about Sharp.  Which could be a good thing.  While I was at the Transform Even this week in Phoenix, I was told by a good source that the deal with Sharp and Samsung was nixed not by Sharp but by some ministry of business. I guess that may have to do with the whole Korean/Japanese culture? However in a recent report from I picked up it was stated that "Sharp will likely include a plan to extend ties in areas such as copiers". This was posted in a reference to "Sharp aims to strengthen tie-up with Samsung", which contradicts what I heard from a "good source".

I'm no genius, I just try to read all of the reports to see what may or may not happen with Sharps Imaging Division.  Here at home I can see what will happen with the page volumes and also understand that there are too many players and our industry needs to contract to protect margins.  In reading most of these reports, only once was there any mention of Sharps Imaging Division. For now Sharp seems to be concentrated on displays, appliances and smart phones.  I guess we'll have a better picture in a couple of days.


"Samsung sees the copier business as having the potential to succeed its mainstay smartphone business, which could slow down amid fierce global competition".

-=Good Selling=-

Photizo Transform 2013 Wednesday Roundup

Early to Bed and Early to Rise? Not me, I hung around the sports bar Tuesday night and spoke to many P4P members, it was a good time put a face on the member.

I spent most of Wednesday morning after breakfast in the Transform Exhibit area.

Oki with NOC in a box was a really cool spin for dealers that would like to get into MNS, however they lack the resources for a full blown plan.

Muratec, also offering an even better version of MNS at a super price. Their program was extremely interesting

Photizo Transform 2013 Tuesday Roundup


Long day of seminars, I took in a total of three. I was able to sit in on a seminar by Ed Crowley (CEO Photizo) for "How Connected Devices and Big Data are Changing Industries", Darrell Amy (Owner Dealer Marketing) for "Marketing Strategies for Managed Services" and Jared Hansen (CEO Breezy) for "The Importance of Mobility in the Future of Print".

Tomorrow I've been invited to a Round Table Discussion for the "Future of Imaging".

I was able to meet with a few vendors. One was Celstream which offers "printJinni" and I was intrigued by the offering of a print4pay mobile print solution that dealers could resell and it's device agnostic.

Verdiem offers a software service

Friday, May 10, 2013

The Future of Imaging a Round Table Discussion

I had the opportunity to sit in on round table discussion at this weeks Photizo Transform 2013 Event in Scottsdale.

I thought we had a great slice of people from the industry, a couple of MPS players from South Africa and Canada (Go Leafs!), another MPS provider from LA, a representative from Dell, marketing person from a Document Management Software provider, two additional providers that I did not get the chance to meet and then myself . 

The open discussion or statement from the MPS provider in LA was that he was not sure that Managed Network Services was the Holy Grail for his company. However he did admit that he had lost a tremendous volume of pages to a company that decided to move the information from being printed on pages to email.  One day it was there and the next

Monday, May 6, 2013

Photizo Opens Transform 2013 Event

Newark to Phoenix in a little under 5 hours,  sitting next to two Japanese businessmen who spoke nothing but Japanese the whole way, equals very BIG headache!

Never the less I made my way to the Scottsdale Resort and Conference Center by about 1PM.  This year's event features 30 speakers and more than 30 vendors that will have a heavy focus on educational seminars for Managed Print, Managed Services, Business Process and what the future holds for our Industry.

Ed Crowley's welcome message states it best, "As the industry has transformed, so has our event. We now cover the full range of the imaging industry and look forward to your participation in making this our best event yet"!

I'm looking forward to these seminars tomorrow:

The Importance of Mobility in the Future of Print   Joel Hansen, Breezy

Products and Platforms: Solution or Tool  Edward McLaughlin, Vaderus

Real-Time Data: How Connected Devices and Big Data are Changing Industries  Edward Crowley, Photizo Group

Marketing for Managed Services: Darrell Amy, Dealer Marketing Systems

Preton Saver - Toner & Paper Optimization, Ori Eizenberger Preton

In addition I'll be looking forward to seeing the new products and services from all of the vendors along with catching up with friends in the industry.

I'll have more tomorrow, plus my final wrap up of my top ten favs from the Transform 2013 Event.

-=Good Selling=-

Sunday, May 5, 2013

5 Tips on How to Sell More Without Really Trying

Last week we had a special training day for telemarketing, but the day brought back many memories about how I use to get additional business, find additional prospects and or make a new contact. 

Over the years we tend to forget about some of the basics that was taught us many years ago.  I'm thinking that many of these "ways" may have perished because I don't hear anyone speaking or teaching these tactics. 

While this will be one of my shorter blogs I hoping that it will bring back memories for us old timers and for those that are new to the industry some new ways of finding those new accounts.

1. When you're finished writing the order ask the DM if they might know of anyone else that may be interested in your services.  (If you don't ask you don't get)

2. While you're writing the order, ask if the DM would be interested in any additional smaller printers, scanners or a backup MFP. (ya never know right)

3. You're bogged down on price, the DM put it out there, "can I get the system for this ....(he states his price), well you know you can do that price but instead of just saying "if I can do that price can we write order"?  maybe spin it this way "I'm ok with that price as long as we can write the order today and you can give me three references that may need my services, will that work for you"?

4. If you're selling Managed Services along with selling imaging, after you write the imaging order close for another appointment to introduce your other services.

5. Ask the DM is they are involved with an Association for their industry, if so ask for the contact name of that person.  Call the Association and ask about sponsorship initiatives, speaking opportunities for educated the members, or showing your wares at one of their meetings.

Numbers 1, 2 & 3 seem to have been forgotten at least in my neck of the woods.  I just don't hear managers preaching these.  Hope this helps for everyone.

-=Good Selling=-

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Ricoh MP C300HW and MP C300HT Spec Review

On April 17th Ricoh added two additional MFP's that are specifically designed for the Healthcare Industry.  Loyal readers may remember that a few years ago I mentioned that the next "Big Thing" is that manufacturers would start designing and introducing vertical market imaging systems. It seems Ricoh is practicing what I preached at least for the Healthcare Industry.

Both of these systems are similar to Ricoh's MPC300 (Color) MFP system that was launched a little over two years ago.  The major difference between the MPC 300HW and the MPC 300HT is that the "HW" model will be able to print patient wristbands (from the paper tray) from electronic medical records.  It's my understanding that this feature will enable users to eliminate expensive single purpose thermal printers.  Both the HW and the HT model are both equipped with Teflon Coating paper trays which can assist in minimizing paper misfeeds and the ability to print on wristband stock

What we'll do is go over a few of the specs for these new devices: