
Advertise With Us!

A few legit stats for you about the Print4Pay Hotel.

We average:

600,000 hits per month
20,000 plus of visitors each month
130,000 pages on average every month

There is no other site on the web like the Print4Pay Hotel!  You can advertise with us for as little as $2.00 Per Day!  We also offer our advertisers to "Guest Blog", poll our members, and we'll even write a blog about your services and products.  We're connected with Twitter (389 followers), and Linkedin also (890 followers).  This means that we'll also re-tweet all of your tweets, your press releases and any announcements.  Like I said, there is no other site like the Print4Pay Hotel
Our audience is comprised of sales people in the imaging industry for both the dealer and the direct channel, along with sales managers, dealer owners, dealer principals, manufacturers reps, and industry pundits.  Our audience is Global!

Our current advertisers include:

Print Audit
Stethos USA
Polek & Polek
Lease Corporation of America
Cybercon Services
Pahoda Imaging
Questex Media Group LLC
Industry Analysts
The Week in Imaging
SF Scan
Dealer Marketing Systems

We're looking for additional advertisers, please feel free to contact me to learn more about how we can put you on the map for solutions or promote additional brand awarness with the Imaging Channel.

-=Good Selling=-

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